by Damian Terlecki

Maps & Navigation


PBMap is an interactive, offline map of the Bialystok University of Technology designed in order to facilitate navigation and locating objects on polytechnic. PBMap does not require an internet connection.PBMap features:1. Map display:- PB campus (Bialystok University of Technology)- WIZ campus (Faculty of Engineering Management)- WA (Faculty of Architecture)- WB (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering)- WE (Faculty of Electrical Engineering)- WI (Faculty of Computer Science)- WM (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)- WIZ Berlin, Montreal, Philadelphia, Shanghai- ZWL(Faculty of Forestry)- CNK (Library)- ACS (Academics Center of Sports)2. Current location display (WIFI / GPS / network / custom)3. Routing between source and destination4. Distance display5. Places search6. Additional description of places7. Possibility of integration from external apps8. Help and report features